Feb 28, 2011

Hippeastrum nelsonii

原生地 Native range
Hippeastrum nelsonii原生地在南美洲波利維亞拉巴斯的熱帶山地。拉巴斯海拔3660公尺,靠近赤道氣候穩定。最熱月均高溫約14度C,最冷低月均低溫約-2度C。最高雨量在1月,約100多公厘。
Hippeastrum nelsonii is native to La Paz, Bolivia, in South America. It likes to grow in tropical mountain. La Paz is located at an elevation of 3,660 meters above sea level, and the climate is stable. The average high temperature in the hottest month is 14°C, and the average low temperature in the coldest month is -2°C. The highest rainfall is about 100mm in January.

google map

型態與習性  Discription

The plant is around 40~50CM tall, and the peduncle is around 30~40CM tall. It is evergreen in the habitat, and takes no rest period. But in Taiwan it takes rest for 1~2 months in the severe winter. After the severe winter comes the early spring. It starts to leaf out and then grow the flower stalk soon.
花期  Florescence
Early spring in Taiwan.
栽培重點  Cultivation hint

It requires highly aerated soil.

2011.02.18花梗 Peduncle

2011.02.25即將開放 blossom soon

放大 bud part zoom in

正面  the front of bud

全開  full blossom

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